How To Find Out Your Metabolic Type | Body types | Metabolic Test

how to find out your metabolic type

How To Find Out Your Metabolic Type | Metabolic Types | Body types | Metabolic Test

Well, you wonder what metabolism really is and how to find out your metabolic type? When you wonder why some people gain weight this way and others lose weight differently. Everyone has a metabolism, but how it works varies from body to body. In fact, the type and rate of metabolism generally varies from person to person.

Some people have a very fast metabolism, while others have a very slow or low metabolism. Understanding metabolism and body shape can help you understand a person’s fitness and ability to lose and gain weight.

Body type and metabolism do not affect how you perform (the principles of exercise and nutrition are the same for everyone). But they can help you understand what to expect in terms of results. However, the question is how to find out your metabolic type? Learn here in this article!

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism or basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the term given to the body’s process of converting food into energy. What you eat and drink directly affects your metabolism, which in turn fuels your body. Typically, metabolism is a very complex biochemical process. Particularly in which the food and liquids you consume usually combine with oxygen to release energy from your body.

Also, metabolism provides energy for all processes, such as walking and even talking. Importantly, metabolism also provides the energy needed for vital activities such as breathing, hormone regulation, and blood circulation. Normally some of these less strenuous activities are part of your resting metabolic rate (RMR). Nonetheless, metabolism is one of the most important factors in keeping the body functioning properly.

Basal metabolic rate usually refers to the number of calories your body typically uses to perform these body functions. Primarily, how to find out your metabolic type may depend upon some factors. These factors can affect metabolic function however these include:


Children are full of energy anyhow at younger stage your metabolism is at peak. As we become older many people lose muscle mass, gain fat, and even slow down the process of burning calories.

Body size and composition:

Taller people and merely people with more muscle mass burn more calories at rest. Regardless, older people and larger people who are mostly fat have a slower metabolism. Therefore, body composition plays an important role in determining metabolism.

Physical activity:

Your activity level and how much you move can have a big impact on your metabolism. Even for something as simple as walking down the street, mainly exercise can help keep your metabolism healthy!

What are the types of metabolism?

Truly, metabolism refers to how the body processes food and produces energy. They can be divided mainly into five main types in terms of body type and also lifestyle.

Carb Dominant:  

Mostly these people rely heavily on carbohydrates for energy and tend to process carbohydrates quickly for short bursts of energy.

Protein dominant:  

Secondly, these people tend to rely more on protein for energy and process protein more slowly for sustained energy over time.

Fat Dominant:

Thirdly, these people rely primarily on fat for energy and tend to process fat slowly typically for sustained energy over time.

From a scientific point of view, the three main types of metabolism that occur in the human body are

Anabolic metabolism:

Involves in the synthesis of molecules chiefly from simple building blocks, for example the production of proteins from amino acids.

Catabolic metabolism:

The reverse process of breaking down large molecules into smaller molecules, such as turning glycogen into glucose for energy.

Intermediate metabolism:

is the process of converting a molecule from one form to another, such as the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA.

How to Find Out Your Metabolic Type

There are several tests you can do to estimate your BMR, or basal metabolic rate which can essentially help you out in how to find out your metabolic type. Nevertheless, using the BMR formula is a common way to estimate daily energy expenditure. This formula anyhow takes into account your age, secondly gender, weight, and also height. Additionally, activity levels to determine how many calories you should burn each day.

You can start tracking your calories here or use these numbers as a guide for how much food you eat. Simply, this is how we manage our weight.

If you consistently eat less than your daily energy expenditure, ultimately you will lose weight. And if you consistently eat more than your daily energy expenditure, eventually you will gain weight. Obviously it’s not that simple. While these are the principles of weight management. Besides the difficult part of the journey is the habits and behaviors required to transform these dietary changes into the desired energy balance.

So how does our body type affect this process and remember your body type is to important to answer how to find out your metabolic type? A quick note on body type

  1. Ectomorph
  2. Mesomorph
  3. Endomorph type

Although there is speculation usually about the benefits of knowing your body type and whether you really need it. Verily it’s good to understand normally what you can expect from your weight management results.

What is a metabolic test?

Consequently, you asked, “How to find out your metabolic type?” Questions may arise. Frankly, you can try it yourself surely by tracking your diet, energy levels, sleep patterns and exercise habits over a period of time. Yet, metabolic testing should also be considered to obtain an accurate starting point and even measure results over time.

Largely, metabolic tests estimate your BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. Commonly, a fairly simple and intuitive test usually involves the patient breathing into a tube for up to 10 minutes. Predominantly, this helps to calculate the amount of oxygen inhaled and the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled.

Test results generally determine whether you are within the normal range for your age and sex.


It doesn’t matter how you feel about your body type or how to find out your metabolic type. Virtually, the principles of exercise and nutrition apply equally to everyone.

Finally, the only difference is that depending on metabolism and body composition, it may be harder or easier for some to gain or lose weight than others!

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